Using a Secure Dog Walking Field

In this Blog post I look at reasons why you might want to book a secure dog walking field and how it could be great for you and your dog!

I’m a great fan of secure dog walking fields.

Somewhere safe and secure where you can let your dog off lead to play, sniff around, practise your training skills like recall, loose lead walking, waits and stays, Scentwork…

Here are some reasons why you might want to book a secure dog walking field…

Peace of Mind - a safe place to let your dog off-lead

A secure dog walking field provides a safe environment for your dog to run around and play off the lead.

If you have a young dog who is easily distracted by other people, dogs, cyclists, livestock, wildlife, or anything that moves… and let’s face it I don’t know many young adolescent dogs who aren’t easily distracted by those things… a secure dog walking field is somewhere you can let your dog off lead safely.

OK if your dog’s recall isn’t that brilliant yet you may have to take a favourite toy, or some high value treats, in order to lure your dog back to you.

If you prefer, if your dog has no recall at all, you could choose to have your dog on a long lead or long line so they still have plenty of freedom to sniff and run around but you’re able to gather the line in to ‘recall’ your dog.

A safe space for Reactive or Fearful Dogs

A secure dog walking field is a great place for your dog if they react to things in the environment like people, traffic, cyclists or other dogs.

A lot of secure dog walking fields operate a booking policy where they allow time before and after each booking slot to ensure that you can arrive and leave the field and car park without encountering any other dogs.

A secure dog walking field provides somewhere you can relax and enjoy spending time with your dog rather than constantly scanning the horizon.

If you have a fearful dog, a secure dog walking field can provide a quiet open space away from noise, traffic, people or other dogs. Your dog will be able to sniff and explore and enjoy time hanging out with YOU, their safe place.

If you have a dog who has to be kept on the lead or muzzled in public places a secure dog walking field allows your dog to have some muzzle free off lead time.

If you own a ‘banned’ breed, always check with the field provider to ensure their insurance covers your dog’s breed and whether there are any special requirements or conditions.

A safe space to Train Your Dog

Where better than a secure field to practise those recalls! Again if you prefer you can use a long line. As I’m always telling my clients, there is a HUGE difference between indoors or the safety of your garden and the BIG OUTDOORS.

It is way too big a jump to practise indoor and garden recalls and then expect this to work outdoors in the big wide world, like at the beach, a field, or the park.

Even if there are no people or dogs around there are plenty of opportunities for your dog to totally ignore you and head off into the distance.

In a secure field you have the security of knowing the field is surrounded by high secure fencing and if your dog totally ignores your recall you will be able to go and get your dog!

Practise recall training on a long line

A secure field is also a great place to practise your dog’s recalls on a long line.

In most secure fields there is enough space to be able to do some long line training away from any obstacles, preventing the long line getting wrapped around things.

Just like your dog’s recall training, long line skills take practise, practise, practise. Being able to safely work a long line is one of those skills that takes practise.

A secure dog walking field provides a low distraction environment where you have plenty of space, it’s an ideal place to practise. Imagine learning to drive on wide, empty roads with no other traffic, traffic lights, speed cameras or pedestrians to think about…

For the advanced training skills, a secure dog walking field provides a great place to practise skills like distance downs, down stays and sit stays, waits and recalls, emergency stops, sendaway and retrieves in a quiet outdoor setting.

A safe space for socialising

A secure dog walking field provides a great place for your dog to interact with a doggy friend or two in a safe setting.

Many dogs aren’t social butterflies. There are some dogs who are MEGA social and love every single dog they meet and this is often the case with adolescent dogs. But there are lots of dogs who are a bit more selective, and this is common in dogs as they get older.

A secure dog walking field allows your dog to enjoy playtime with their chosen doggie friends without being hassled by other dogs.

It can also provide a safe setting for a controlled on-lead walk with another dog as there is plenty of space for parallel walking. Again, you aren’t going to be disturbed by other dogs.

A great space for exercise and energy release

If you have a high energy dog who needs to charge around and burn off energy a secure dog walking field provides a safe and secure environment for them to do this.

If you have a dog who loves to play fetch, a secure dog walking field means you can do that without worrying about another dog coming along and trying to join in or pinching your dog’s ball.

If your dog is the ball thief you can relax knowing that your dog won’t upset anyone else.

If you have a border collie who entertains themselves by finding complete strangers to throw a ball for them you can rest assured that in a secure dog walking field your ball throwing talents will be totally appreciated!

A fun space to practise some agility, obstacles or dog parkour

Many secure dog walking fields have outdoor obstacles or agility equipment that your dog can explore. 

You can have fun with your dog trying new skills or tricks. 

Always be mindful of your dog’s age, fitness and skill level before trying out any moves or equipment. 

The equipment is designed for dogs, so make sure the kids take their own entertainment to the field.

A private space to enjoy time with YOUR dog

A secure dog walking field allows you some privacy for YOU to enjoy time hanging out with YOUR DOG.

I confess, for a hermit like me, this is heaven. Being able to relax with my dogs in a safe, secure space and just have fun, play and be outdoors with them soaking up nature away from traffic, noise, people and other dogs is one of my times of pure joy!

Where can I find a secure dog walking field?

Here are my recommendations for people local to North Devon…

Secure dog walking field at Bratton Fleming

Trixie Paws secure dog walking field at Buckland Brewer

Skern View dog walking field near Bideford

If you are looking for a field outside of the North Devon area I can recommend this UK list of fields.

ALWAYS CHECK BEFORE BOOKING... my recommendation is to check out the facility before booking.  If have a nervous or reactive dog check the car parking and arrival / leaving procedures.  

Travelling or going on holiday with your dog

If you are travelling with your dog or going away on holiday, knowing where the nearest secure dog walking field is and booking in early gives you the opportunity to relax knowing that there will be somewhere your dog can enjoy some off lead play time.

Our North Devon secure dog walking fields get busier in the summer months with people on holiday booking somewhere to exercise their canine companions and I'd imagine other holiday destinations in the UK have the same.

Clean up afterwards

Always remember to take poo bags, clean up after your dog and take your poo away with you. Some facilities have compostable bags and bin on site, but most will require you to take your poo away at the end of the session so always go prepared!

Get in touch

Please have a look at my website if you'd like more information on how I can help with training your dog.  You can book a FREE call with me to have a chat about your dog and how I could help.

As always...

Have Fun Training!

Trudi at Completely Mutz